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Movement IQ workout with @ranahfark

4/24/2020 12:00pm EST

Masks 4 Masks

We are raising money for our Masks 4 Masks initiative to provide protective masks to healthcare workers. A $10 donation is suggested. Feel free to donate ANY amount to our initiative to provide protective masks to healthcare workers would be greatly appreciate Please checkout our GoFundMe for more information.

Movement IQ

Movement IQ is a simple yet rigorous workout journey that will help you tap into your movement potential. The class features a deep dive into three key strength patterns, and moves through purposeful mobility, stability, and power-based progressions for each. Pilates-inspired re-sets will help you bulletproof your movement foundation further, and allow you to push your body in unexpected ways.

Equipment Needed

mat + medium weight (dumbbell, kettlebell, water jug, whatever you got!

Spotify Playlist

Click here for playlist